In light of the International Women's Day celebration, we must realize the essence of more inclusion of women in our societies as women have been at the forefront of social change, breaking down barriers and dispelling myths. However, real progress is not just in representation but in active participation.
Inclusivity is a core value that propels development, and it gives people of all genders a sense of community and this is not just a catchphrase. By having female participation, unique and different perspectives are brought in and our collective knowledge is enhanced. By embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity, we create environments where women can thrive and contribute to their full potential.
While it is important to talk about accelerating progress and enhancing inclusivity, it is pointless if it will be only words. It's time to act. Therefore, it is everyone's responsibility to come together as individuals, companies, and policymakers to overcome these systemic barriers and develop paths that would ensure that women accomplish their goals. We should not forget that diversity is one of the main features of an inclusive society. This implies that everyone's voice is heard and every individual's perspective is respected.
Not only is it morally right to empower women, but it's also a wise move. There are numerous researches done that have shown that in general, organizations and communities that have a more diverse population, especially in relation to gender, flourish financially, socially and economically. By utilizing women's abilities and offering them equal growth opportunities, we can unlock potential and promote long-term, sustainable growth for our society. Among our women in GRG, we have our beautiful Ofure who is breaking barriers in the Engineering space, our Inestimable Peace who is making waves in the legal space, our Audrey doing an amazing work in the tech industry, our very own Esther who manages our community and a soon to be medical doctor, our Mercy, who has put this beautiful piece together and all the bold and beautiful GRG ladies, you all rock.
To promote real change and generate an inclusive environment, we need to address the underlying causes of gender inequality and foster an environment of support and empowerment if we are to accelerate progress and inspire inclusion. This entails fighting against deeply rooted prejudices, supporting laws that advance gender equity, and creating spaces where women feel heard, respected, and appreciated.
Today is International Women's Day and that is a reason to commit ourselves yet again into the battle for diversity and gender equality. We, the collective voice of females, must unite in this quest, cheer each other on, and aim to design a world that recognizes the rights of women, and which is enlightened and fair for everyone. It is time for action, and we can bring this to pass by working together.