When I began writing, to my surprise, I had very little to say on this topic, this is uncommon for me. So, I thought In-depth about why I couldn't come up with anything concrete on self-confidence.
It finally hit me, almost speaking out loud to myself, I muttered under my breath “I can’t write on something I don’t understand, something I’ve never truly felt”. But this statement I made was flawed. Self-confidence is not merely felt, it is a paradigm shift, a realization of the worth you inherently have. It is gaining the divine ability to see yourself through God’s eyes. When we come to fully understand the intricate relationship between God’s Love and the way we view ourselves, only then would we have a true sense of self-confidence.
Now what has self-confidence got to do with self-care? Self-Confidence is one of the ways we can practice self-care. Self-care are deliberate practices that we employ in our daily routine to manage our physical, emotional, mental and overall well-being. Self-care is more than just treating yourself to a nice meal, getting a full spa treatment, going on vacation, exercising and practicing good eating habits. These are all great practices, and they make up a well-rounded self-care. However, doing all of this without also caring for yourself on the inside is futile.
As mentioned earlier, self-confidence is not just something you feel. It’s a realization of your worth even on your off days. Sometimes you don’t have to feel it but that doesn’t take away from your confidence and what you believe about yourself. Being confident in who you are on the inside and loving on yourself even on the days when you don’t feel so good about yourself is one of the ways to practice self-care. As much as we spend time to practice physical self-care habits, let’s endeavour to develop practices that boost our self-worth and how we see ourselves.
Self Confidence is self-care because it is something nobody else can do for you but you. That is why it’s called “self”. It starts with you. How you see yourself impacts greatly on how others see you.
So, remember today that You’re light. You are love. You are beautiful. You are magic. You are extraordinary. Say these phrases aloud to yourself daily and get into the habit of being kind to yourself. Not only will this boost your self-confidence but saying positive things about yourself on a daily basis is one of the ways you can practice self-care.