Digital innovation and technology are for all and not for a certain gender. We exist in a world where crises are connected. Every problem has a growing inequality at its core. Digital poverty is on the rise and is strongly gendered.
Due to stereotypes, qualities like being tough, assertive, and stern, which are sometimes praised in male leaders are mostly criticized in women. As a result, most women are hesitant to work in environments that are dominated by men. This has resulted in fewer women entering the workforce. Sexual harassment and the pay gap also play a huge role in this.
Women make up only 9% of executives in the energy field and only 12% of executive leadership in the financial sector. Only 8.1% of construction managers, 1.8% of electricians, and 1.9% of carpenters are women. Only 28% of the population in the STEM fields of science, technology, math, and engineering is female, despite the industry's efforts to be more inclusive.
In addition to the most male-dominated professions where the workforce is mostly made up of males, the C-suites in many sectors continue to have fewer women than men.
It's important to consider why everything is the same and women are continually underrepresented in industries where male careers are dominated. Women are being left behind as a result of this digital gender divide, which is becoming more and more apparent in the context of digital skills and access to technologies. Therefore, a sustainable future requires the development of open and transformative technology as well as digital education.
The awareness of women and girls about their rights and civic engagement can be raised by using a gender-responsive strategy for innovation, technology, and digital education. More effective inclusion and representation are needed.
Ways of breaking the vicious cycle:
Innovation and technology serve as facilitators. We decide what they make possible.
Showcase what interests you, what you do and what you know, no one will refer you to another if you don't put yourself out there, they will only see what you can do if you open up.
Surround yourself with women that will mention your name in a room full of opportunities.
Reach out and harvest the knowledge of others.
Train yourself more in the field you desire to take up, even if it’s male-dominated. Watch YouTube videos, read books, and speak to senior personnel in the field you are interested in.
We, as an organization, have purposefully positioned ourselves to draw women's attention in dominating the STEM, Construction industries, and all male-dominated careers. "Wherever you find a great man, you will find a great mother, great wife, or great woman standing beside him.", We believe that amongst our women today, you can find an inestimable Peace, a priceless Ofure, a Felissa that loves God, a Mercy that commits thoughts to paper and all the bold and beautiful GRG ladies.
Imagine a gender-equal world. A world that is free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively, we can all embrace equity.